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Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Delay Having Sex - Will it Increase Your Chances at Love?

Delay Having Sex - Will it Increase Your Chances at Love?

Is it worth it to delay having sex with a new guy? Will it increase your chances at true love if you do? How much does the timing of when you begin having sex affect your relationship? The depth and longevity of a relationship is hugely affected by the introduction of sex. Follow along to find out why it works in your favor if you delay having sex.

A relationship grows and deepens because of one very important factor- the development of an emotional connection. This is the foundation of all great relationships and the basis upon which longevity is established. Building this bond with your guy is the only way to add meaning to the attraction that you feel for each other. So, what does sex have to do with this?

Sex connects two people together, but it is in quite a different way from an emotional bond. Sex too early on in a relationship tends to nurture a physical connection, which is wonderful, except that the emotional connection has not yet developed. A relationship cannot last if it is based on a physical bond; this provides no substance.

If you are hoping to build a deep, enduring love, you should strongly consider delaying sex for a while. To add such an intense factor too soon can prove to be a huge mistake. It can literally stall your relationship. Your best advice is to wait at least until you and your guy feel emotionally connected.

Another benefit to waiting is that it allows you to determine whether a man is interested in a relationship or just a hookup. If he is fine with waiting, then he is into you. If he chooses to throw in the towel, then he was planning on a casual fling. Make him wait so you can interpret his intentions.

All in all, it is a good idea to delay having sex for your own peace of mind. You will have a better idea of the value of your guy and the relationship that is possible between the two of you.

To learn more, click Fall in Love and learn Love Mistakes that 99% of women make without knowing.

This article is contributed by Tina Jones from the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.


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